artVeneer® & artConcept® PLUS
Minimum thickness
What is the minimum thickness of the artVeneer veneers to ensure colour stability?
To ensure colour stability, the layer thickness of the entire veneer should not be less than 1.2 mm.
Mould correction and repair
Can veneers made from artVeneer and artDentine be repaired?
Yes, if these are made on a PMMA basis, such as artDentine and artEnamel.
Can veneers made from artVeneer and the artConcept components be repaired with composite material?
No, there is no corresponding bonding agent in the system. The repair and addition is carried out with the system components artVeneer and artConcept.
Is it possible to widen or lengthen artVeneer veneers and acrylic teeth with artDentine without visible material transitions or to apply them labially?
Yes. If the grind edges are sandblasted and moistened with artConnect, the material transitions cannot be seen after polishing.
Can pontic-shaped units be produced with the artVeneer veneers and the artConcept?
Yes, the design of the pontic is easily possible with artDentine.
Applying the veneers
How large can the scope of a work be in order to produce it in one process with artDentine?
In terms of classic metal framework veneering, it is advisable not to apply more than four artVeneer veneers with artDentine in one process. Plain text: completion per quadrant.
How are seamless cervical transitions between the veneer and artDentine created when there is little space?
First adjust the length and edge of the artVeneer veneer. Then fix the veneer in place with artVeneer WAX, apply wax, clean around the labial edges. This is followed by a silicone matrix. Before finishing, break the cervical edge of the artVeneer from the labial using the tooth-colored artConcept acrylic, i.e. sand slightly. The artDentine flows into this area so that no transition can be seen after finishing and polishing.
Should the artVeneer veneers applied with the artConcept freehand without a matrix?
It is possible, but not recommended, to lay / fix the veneers hands-free without a matrix. A precise alignment of the tooth axis is only possible to a limited extent. Without a matrix fixation, the aesthetic appearance of the tooth axes is basically a matter of luck. It is better to work with a matrix to secure the axis and position of the artVeneer veneers.
Do retention beads have to be attached for a better bond?
Retentions are generally recommended, a suitable bead size of 0.4 mm. The beads should then be cut in half when finishing the framework to create space for the veneer and to ensure an effective undercut.
The artVeneer veneers sometimes appear in the incisal area as if they had a transverse crack. Does this disappear when applied with artDentine?
It is merely a matter of light refraction, caused by the stable incisal edge. It supports the stability of the veneer, especially in the anterior region.
By backing with the artDentine, the palatal incisal edges are no longer visible later. Are incisal and transparent pastes/shades available?
Yes, a total of four enamel and one transparent pastes/shades are available.
- Enamel 1: A1, B1, B2, C1
- Enamel 2: A2, D2, D4, BL 1-4
- Enamel 3: A3, B3, B4, C2, A4
- Enamel 4: A3.5, C3, C3
- TC – Transpa: Transparent with a slight cloudiness, for mixing, diluting, etc.
The artEnamel materials are used for individual mould adjustments as well as for the individualisation of optical and aesthetic enamel effects.
How do you proceed in order to sand as little as possible on the artVeneer veneers?
Backward planning, i.e. at first the teeth / artVeneer are set up and fixed with help of the matrix technique. Then the framework or the model casting is designed and finished to match the teeth / artVeneer. The tooth set-up is finished before the framework is fabricated (= backward planning), which also reduces space problems that cost valuable time during the acrylic processing.
Can the polymerisation time in the pressure pot be shortened?
No and, from a chemical and material point of view, must not be done under any circumstances in order to ensure correct curing, residual monomer content, etc. A temperature increase is also not advisable and could possibly lead to porosities. Please always observe the parameters given in the instructions for use!
Which isolation is suitable for the artConcept?
An alginate based isolating solution should always be used; the PremEco Line alginate isolating solution is suitable for this.
Bond, opaques (tooth-, neck- and gingiva shades)
How strong is the bond between the artOpaque opaque and the metal framework?
According to ISO 10477 it is necessary that the adhesive bond is at least 5 N / mm². The adhesive bond between the metal framework and artOpaque is 15 N / mm², which is 200% more than required by the standard.
Can an opaquer from another manufacturer be used?
In principle, this is possible as long as the processing of PMMA is guaranteed for this opaquer by its manufacturer according to the opaquer's instructions for use. This could possibly lead to colour deviations, as opaquers from other manufacturers with the same colour reference sometimes differ significantly in colour. This is due to the fact that all systems are individually coordinated, as is the artConcept. However, if there is a good shade match with our opaque and the above parameters are correct, nothing speaks against using them. Basically, however, it should be noted that a declaration of conformity must be submitted. Therefore, it is not recommended to mix materials from different suppliers. As a result, on the one hand, the warranty claim of the material manufacturer expires, and on the other hand, in the event of a recourse claim due to the declaration of conformity issued for this restoration, a need to provide evidence and thus also a need to provide an explanation could be provoked at the expense of the service provider.
Can tooth necks be coloured individually and is there a special system component?
Yes. A light-curing tooth neck-shaded opaque, the artOpaque C (C = Cervical), for the coloured neck characterisation of the artVeneer veneers.
What gingiva-like colours can metal frameworks be covered with?
With artOpaque GUM, a light-curing gingiva-shaded opaquer and primer in one. The two colours DARK and LIGHT can be mixed with one another and thus cover a very broad gingival colour range.
Is a separate primer required for the gum-coloured opaque artOpaque GUM?
No, the light-curing, gum-coloured opaque contains a primer. Opaquing and priming take place in one step.
Can the artOpaque opaques be mixed together for customisation?
Yes, in terms of material, the artConcept opaque 01, 02, etc. are compatible. The artOpaque opaque is light-curing.
Is the connection between the opaque and dentine also guaranteed here?
There are opaques that combine optimally with both composite and PMMA. The components of artConcept are coordinated with one another in this regard.
Combination with veneering composite systems
Is it possible to process the acrylic with bonding materials or bonding systems from other manufacturers such as Rocatec?
Basically yes, but not recommended. The components are coordinated with one another. As the laboratory has to issue a declaration of conformity, it is not recommended to mix materials from different suppliers. As a result, on the one hand, the warranty claim of the material manufacturer expires, and on the other hand, in the event of a recourse claim due to the declaration of conformity issued for this restoration, a need for proof and thus also a need to provide a declaration could be provoked at the expense of the service provider.
Can a competitor's connector be used?
Basically yes, but not recommended. The components are coordinated with one another. As the laboratory has to issue a declaration of conformity, it is not recommended to mix materials from different suppliers. As a result, on the one hand, the warranty claim of the material manufacturer expires, and on the other hand, in the event of a recourse claim due to the declaration of conformity issued for this restoration, a need for proof and thus also a need to provide a declaration could be provoked at the expense of the service provider.
Can artDentine also be used on competitors' teeth and is it also durable?
The requirement is that these teeth enable the processing of PMMA - applications, lengthening, etc. - chemically, observe the information provided by the tooth manufacturer or enquire about it.
Can artDentine be applied to composite veneers?
No, there is no corresponding bonding agent in the system.
Can the artDentine powder be mixed together for customisation?
Yes, in terms of material, the dentin materials are compatible, i.e. combineable.
Plaque affinity and colour stability
What about affinity to plaque?
In contrast to many light-curing veneering composites, affinity to plaque is not an issue here. Every user is already familiar with this through daily observation of PMMA acrylic teeth and PMMA denture acrylic. As a rule, there is no plaque build-up on the material. In the past, tooth-colored PMMA acrylics often became discoloured during the time they were worn.
And in the case of artConcept?
When light-curing materials were introduced, tertiary amines were still used as hardeners in tooth-colored PMMAs, which turned brownish over time. That has partly stayed that way until today. When developing artConcept, the most modern hardener system based on barbituric acid was used, which guarantees extremely high colour stability and at the same time has a lower allergenic potential.
Processing the acrylic
If the patient is known to be sensitive to denture acrylics, we recommend further reducing the residual monomer content:
- Storing the polymerised dentures in the finished (sanded) and not highly polished state in water for up to 48 hours before delivery/incorporation
- It is essential to observe the mixing ratio and the processing instructions in the instructions for use
artOpaque - tooth shades, tooth neck shades, gingiva shades
Bond tooth-, neck- and gingiva shades
How strong is the bond between the artOpaque opaque and the metal framework?
According to ISO 10477 it is necessary that the adhesive bond is at least 5 N / mm². The adhesive bond between the metal framework and artOpaque is 15 N / mm², which is 200% more than required by the standard.
The artOpaque opaque is light-curing. Is the connection between the opaque and dentine also guaranteed here?
There are opaques that combine optimally with both composite and PMMA. The components of artConcept are coordinated with one another in this regard.
Can an opaquer from another manufacturer be used?
In principle, this is possible as long as the processing of PMMA is guaranteed for this opaquer by its manufacturer according to the opaquer's instructions for use. This could possibly lead to colour deviations, as opaquers from other manufacturers with the same colour reference sometimes differ significantly in colour. This is due to the fact that all systems are individually coordinated, as is the artConcept. However, if there is a good shade match with our opaque and the above parameters are correct, nothing speaks against using them. Basically, however, it should be noted that a declaration of conformity must be submitted. Therefore, it is not recommended to mix materials from different suppliers. As a result, on the one hand, the warranty claim of the material manufacturer expires, and on the other hand, in the event of a recourse claim due to the declaration of conformity issued for this restoration, a need to provide evidence and thus also a need to provide an explanation could be provoked at the expense of the service provider.
Gingiva colours to cover frameworks
What gingiva-like colours can metal frameworks be covered with?
With artOpaque GUM, a light-curing gingiva-shaded opaquer and primer in one. The two colours DARK and LIGHT can be mixed with one another and thus cover a very broad gingival colour range.
Is a separate primer required for the gum-coloured opaque artOpaque GUM?
No, the light-curing, gum-coloured opaque contains a primer. Opaquing and priming take place in one step.
MIXABILITY artOpaque GUM, artOpaque 01, 02, 03
Can the artOpaque opaques be mixed together for customisation?
Yes, in terms of material, the artConcept opaque 01, 02, etc. are compatible.